The Harvester Foundation

Goal: $15,000.00

Specific Need

Funding Church Planting

The cost of launching, staffing, and housing new churches is high, and a lack of resources can be crippling. We believe that we will need to fund facility updates and remodels, start-up funds for churches that we will launch or re-launch, and supplemental income for church planters and replanters.

Developing Leaders

The most significant barrier to planting and replanting churches is the lack of called and effective leaders. There are many opportunities ahead to develop and deploy leaders and pastors to do the ministry of the church. In order to be successful and sustainable, we must have well-equipped leadership.

Cultivating Strategic Partnerships

The Harvester Foundation desires to cultivate personal, community, and corporate partnerships to build sustainable ministries. We choose to plant in rural areas because few are focusing on the small and forgotten places. Linking arms with like-minded and like-hearted partners will provide the support needed to keep pastors and leaders on the field and plant sustainable churches.


The Harvester Foundation exists to bring about generational transformation in communities by planting and replanting vibrant local churches.


The title "Harvester Foundation" is named after the Lord of the harvest in Matthew 9:37-38:

"Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."

This passage states that the harvest, those who may be saved, is plentiful and that we should pray to the harvester, Jesus, for workers to send out to those who are lost. These workers are the church, and planting and replanting churches are the answer to prayer.

$730.46 received
in 6 gifts
and 1 prize
4.87%  of  $15,000.00 Goal


621 Westport Blvd
Salina, KS 67501
Phone: (620) 663-4164

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