Salina Child Care Association
Goal: $5,000.00
Specific Need
The match shall serve to uplift low-income families, easing their journey towards accessing high-quality early education and care.
The mission of SCCA is to provide center-based child care and early education, support healthy nutrition, and advocate for the overall wellbeing of young children.
Salina Child Care Association (SCCA) was organized in 1967 as a nonprofit social service agency and currently operates as a child care center in the Donna L. Vanier Children's Center located at 155 N. Oakdale Avenue, Suite 100. SCCA serves children ages 2 weeks - 6 years of age.
SCCA is licensed by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment with a total capacity of 159 children. The center is funded by parent fees, Child and Adult Care Food Program reimbursements, Department for Children and Families, grants, association memberships, fundraising, and contributions.
SCCA believes children learn through social interaction with other children and adults, through active exploration of their environment, and through play.
SCCA's goal is to create an environment of warmth and friendliness where children develop according to their personal learning styles. We hope to help children feel good about themselves, to appreciate their individual differences, to become self-directed, and to develop physical and social-emotional skills.