University United Methodist Church

Goal: $1,000.00

Specific Need

Currently our need is a new HVAC system. We are working to save up funds to replace the AC and boiler systems within the church. 


As we make disciples of Jesus Christ, the mission of University United Methodist Church is to serve Christ, campus, & community for the transformation of the world.


We envision University United Methodist Church as a growing, dynamic, spirit-filled, Christ-centered, multi-cultural church for all ages & stages of life, transforming our community & world through the sharing of our prayers, presence, gifts, service & witness.

$2,001.91 received
in 9 gifts
and 1 prize
200.19%  of  $1,000.00 Goal


1509 S. Santa Fe
Salina, KS 67401
Phone: 785-825-9505

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