Catholic Charities of Northern Kansas


Guided by God's love, Catholic Charities provides compassionate service to all people in need throughout Northern Kansas. 

We do this in a variety of ways:

  • Financial & Housing Assistance
  • Basic Needs - Food, Hygiene, Diapers, Clothing
  • Counseling Services
  • Immigration Legal Services
  • Pregnancy Support & Adoption Services


Our Beliefs:

  • Life is sacred and all people have dignity. We believe that all human beings are made in God’s image and we respect the inherent dignity of every person.
  • It is our duty to care for the most vulnerable in our society. We compassionately care for people who are most in need and take action to help.
  • All people have basic human rights. We empower individuals and their families to be the primary decision makers in their lives. We will work with each person, tapping into their unique gifts, abilities and knowledge to reach their full human potential.

Our Values:

  • We strive to see Jesus in every person we encounter.
  • We provide caring, professional, and quality services. We possess the training, knowledge and skills necessary to carry our out mission with excellence. All who reach out to us for help will leave feeling valued, supported and loved.
  • We celebrate diversity and serve all people, regardless of faith. We welcome differences of race, background, faith, and thought, both in those we serve and those who join us in service.
  • We work for justice in society and within Catholic Charities. We value integrity and are responsible for our actions by being honest, transparent, ethical and reliable.
  • We welcome collaboration. We build effective working relationships within Catholic Charities and strong partnerships within the communities we serve to achieve our shared purpose.

We are Catholic Charities of Northern Kansas. Guided by God’s love, Catholic Charities of Northern Kansas provides compassionate service to all those in need throughout our 31-county service area in north central and northwest Kansas.

People who come to Catholic Charities are often in desperate situations and have no where else to turn for help. We believe it is our duty to put our faith into action and care for the most vulnerable in our society.

That’s why Catholic Charities offers a wide range of programs and services to provide hope to these individuals and families, through our three offices in Salina, Manhattan and Hays, as well as our three outreach vans, which travel to 20 different rural communities each month.

At Catholic Charities, we believe that all life is sacred and we respect the inherent dignity of every person. That’s why all services provided are based on need — not religion, race or nationality. 

We invite you to join us on this mission to helping the most vulnerable in our society. We can’t do it without people like you!

Photos & Videos

Every month, Lois receives food and hygiene from Catholic Charities Outreach Services Program.
Every month, Lois receives food and hygiene from Catholic Charities Outreach Services Program.
Josh received life-saving mental health assistance from Catholic Charities Counseling Program
Josh received life-saving mental health assistance from Catholic Charities Counseling Program
YOU can give hope to those facing financial and emotional struggles throughout northern Kansas.
Britannie received assistance through Catholic Charities Financial and Housing Assistance Program
Britannie received assistance through Catholic Charities Financial and Housing Assistance Program
22 years ago, Mary Hickman adopted her son, Bryce through Catholic Charities Adoption Program.
22 years ago, Mary Hickman adopted her son, Bryce through Catholic Charities Adoption Program.
After a housefire, the Rosado family received assistance through the Disaster Relief Program.
After a housefire, the Rosado family received assistance through the Disaster Relief Program.
$32,266.16 received
in 77 gifts
and 2 prizes


1500 S. 9th St., PO Box 1366
Salina, KS 67402-1366
Phone: (785) 825-0208

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