Child Advocacy & Parenting Services (CAPS)
Goal: $20,000.00
Specific Need
In 1978, Wanda Macy learned of two child deaths in our community as a result of abuse. She felt called to action as a mother and nurse had to do something. After starting the Salina Coalition to Prevent Child Abuse with her friend, Ruby Reese, she had a phone line put into her kitchen for parents to call when they were feeling stress, seeking advice or wanting to report abuse. There was not a statewide reporting system in place back then and she knew it was needed. It remains the same number they call for help from CAPS today. These women recognized that without education, advocacy and support, parents would resort to raising their families the way they had been raised themselves, perpetuating cycles of abuse normalized in family dynamics. They didn’t just acknowledge there was a problem; they took responsibility for their fellow citizens. They were pioneers in child protection.
Their work continues today as CAPS has evolved from a grassroots, volunteer program into an agency of 6 prevention and 2 intervention programs. CAPS still offers a stress break to parents through weekly respite child care, but has also grown services in response to gaps in our community. In all we do, we strive to educate parents to nurture appropriate child development through loving interactions, to advocate for children who are victims of abuse and to support families in crises. These services provide 24 hour on-call counseling and referral to therapy; weekly in-home, case management and parenting education; and annual school-based programs to empower kids to protect their bodies and to stand up for each other when witnessing a bully.
We needed the community in 1978 and we need you more than ever today. To eliminate child abuse is no small task. It takes hundreds of caring, compassionate citizens to band together and share their resources to serve 9,000 unique clients each year. Our $1.45 million budget next year requires $500,000 from foundations and donors like you to show families hope for a better tomorrow.
To improve children's lives and strengthen families through education, advocacy and support.
CAPS is a 501(c)3 charitable organization with both prevention and intervention programs designed to reduce risk factors associated with child abuse and neglect. Our community collaborations respond to a variety of human needs and conditions keeping appropriate child development in the center of all strategies.