Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas

Specific Need

CPRF has a long history of providing Wheelchair & Posture Seating Services and Assistive Technology Equipment to persons with disabilities across the State of Kansas.  More than 1,200 clients will be served this year. There is a growing funding shortfall for these services provided to clients outside of Sedgwick County exceeding $330,000 annually.

To address this shortfall CPRF has created an endowed fund at the Greater Salina Community Founation.  These funds are restricted to the CPRF Wheelchair and Equipment Services, and further restricted to residents with disabilities residing in Cloud, Ellis, Russell and Saline counties. Once the endowed goal is met, no additional fundraising will be pursued. The original endowment gifts will live on in perpetuity with a 4% annual distribution meeting the annual deficit for the Greater Salina Community Foundantion area.


CPRF provides people with disabilities of all ages the customized services, support, and technology they need in order to facilitate their chosen personal and economic independence, with an emphasis on employment and training opportunities.


Over the last 50 years, CPRF has evolved from a grassroots organization into a recognized leader in the national disability field. We are focused on improving the day-to-day lives of people with disabilities and work to eliminate independence barriers in the home, workplace, and community. We are committed to advocating for an inclusive community in which people with disabilities are presented with equitable opportunities and resources to fulfill their potential and be as independent as possible.

At CPRF, we provide wrap-around services to address the barriers our clients often face, with programs and services such as our Wheelchair & Posture Seating Clinic, Equipment Fund, Case Management, Transportation, The Timbers Apartments, Job Placement, and more. These services enable our clients to attend and participate in school, become gainfully employed, and be involved in their community of choice.

Our goal is to help Kansans with all types of disabilities become mobile, independent, and healthy so they can live life on their terms.

Photos & Videos

$2,305.77 received
in 4 gifts
and 2 prizes


5111 E 21st St N
Wichita, KS 67208
Phone: (316) 688-1888

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