St. Mary's Grade School

Goal: $20,000.00

Specific Need

St. Mary's Endowment purpose is to secure financial resources for St. Mary's Grade School as an educational institution. Supporting the educational mission of St. Mary's Grade School serving the Salina community for 65 years! If you would like to support Love N' Learn Early Childhood Center, please make your gift to St. Mary's Grade School with Love N' Learn Early Childhood Center noted.


The mission of St. Mary's School is to educate the whole person – body, mind, and spirit – in Christian values in accordance with our Catholic faith tradition.


Salina Catholic Schools (SCS) prepares our students for a lifetime of learning, servant leadership, and distinction as disciples of Christ. This is our vision for a better future for our communities. This vision shapes our strategic plan to be your school of choice for your family.

Together, Salina Catholic Schools prepares the whole person – spirit, mind, and body - to be a disciple of Jesus on mission. This is our mission that drives all that we do day-in, day-out, with our students, families, faculty and staff, alumni, and friends of the school. What does this mean for us?

  • Together - We uniquely partner with families in the education of their children. We know the family is where education begins. We honor and design experiences to reinforce that.

  • Disciple of Jesus - The word “disciple” literally means “student.” We are preparing our students to be lifelong “students of Jesus.”

  • On Mission - To be on mission means to share our living faith, to share our experience of being students of Jesus, with others. We proclaim the Gospel through our words, worship, and service through the Corporal Works of Mercy.

Built on the legacy of the Sisters of St. Joseph and the vision of the Diocese of Salina, SCS consists of an Early Childhood Center, a Grade School, and a Jr/Sr High School. We are a 21st-century co-educational learning environment rooted in the traditions and values of the Catholic faith. We are intentional in our approach to bringing students closer to the person of Jesus and expose students to a wide-range of academic, artistic, and athletic experiences that prepare them for success in their life vocations.

Love, Learn, Lead

Students receive an education built on the understanding that our world needs leaders with strong foundations of faith, service, and intellectual fortitude. Because of our love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we commit to finding the goodness in all we encounter. We commit to a lifetime of learning and leading. This idea is integrated into our faith-formation program, our Community House System, and all our academic, athletic, artistic and enrichment activities. Every student is valued, challenged to lead, and supported in exploring their relationship with God.

Photos & Videos

$10,802.90 received
in 39 gifts
and 2 prizes
54.01%  of  $20,000.00 Goal


304 E. Cloud
Salina, KS 67401
Phone: 785-827-4200

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